
allround everbearer
  • Early start
  • Good taste and production
  • Firm and shiny berries
  • Good storability
  • Continuous production pattern

Excellent firm and conical strawberries. This is a guarantee with the variety Florentina. This everbearer all-rounder is also maintained well after storage. This variety is the best alternative for the combination between taste and productivity.


Florentina is a compact grower with very generative properties. The production stays constant in the harvest peak, because this variety easily develops new flowers. From a Frigoplant its possible to achieve a good production in May. The harvest peak is from July until September. Florentina is suitable for uncovered cultivation on substrate as well as in full soil. The strawberries are firm and rainproof, with a good taste. This makes the variety suitable for direct sales and all other marketing channels.